Today's hours: 10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
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Paranormal Cirque

Under this Clown Castle, the black and red big top tent, Acrobats of the Air, Illusionists, freaks, mysterious creatures and all the elements that make one think of a "normal" Circus but that of normal has very little! A new show with breathtaking implications always poised between fun and the most uninhibited fear that will transport you to a dark world inhabited by creatures with incredible circus art abilities. A crazy yet fun fusion between Circus, theatre, and cabaret in perfect harmony with the evolution of a show that brings you back to when we dream ... and when we had nightmares and fantasies.

PARANORMAL CIRQUE February 14 - 17, 2025, Use promo code CIRQ20 to save 20% on your tickets!

Visit their website for more information,

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